Jumpstart the Workday with Morning Meeting Games

Posted February 1, 2022
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Jumpstart the Workday with Morning Meeting Games


Give your morning meetings a shot of productive, positive energy! One of the best ways to uplift your meeting is with a team-building activity. Fun morning meeting games can deliver that start-of-the-workday energy team members desire. From icebreaker games to word jumbles and scavenger hunts, team-building games are ideal exercises to get team members to interact and think when the workday is fresh. 


We’ve put together a list of team-building games that can help start the workday with laughter, problem-solving, and more. Check our list of morning meeting games; try them out for virtual or in-person meetings! 


Mad Libs: Start the morning meeting with laughter playing a game most everyone knows, Mad Libs. You can play it just like the game you remember, except tailoring the templates towards work-related or getting ready for work topics. Drinking coffee, dealing with traffic, and seizing the day are all great options. Print out the templates, and hand them out at the morning meeting. Once the templates are filled out, read the hilarious results out loud! Here are some


Icebreaker Roulette: Here’s one of the easiest games to play when you’re having meetings over Zoom. Split your teams into groups and set up multiple rounds so that co-workers have a chance to interact with as many people as possible. The teams who’ve managed to answer the most questions win! To get this game started right, you’re going to need to send your team members a random question generator link, like the one we’ve highlighted here.


Simon Says: Everyone has played Simon Says at least once in their lifetime, and it’s also one of the simplest games to play during morning meetings. Whoever is hosting the meeting is the host and will be the one who shouts out the commands. Simon Says is an excellent morning game to play because it sharpens listening skills and can even help sleepy employees perk up. You can play this game virtually or in person. 


The Game Closet: Game Closet is another excellent “icebreaker” type of game and offers seven different games to choose from. It’s ideal for virtual meetings and challenges teams to use their strategy and creativity skills. Best of all, if your remote teams are missing the feeling of camaraderie, this game is sure to help your team members reconnect while sharing loads of laughs! From solving word puzzles to creative thinking, with The Game Closet, you’re sure to perk up any morning meeting.


Crosswords: Feel free to do your own puzzle or try this crossword game from USA Today, either way, Crossword Games are one of the best problem-solving games for morning meetings. It’s another game that team members can play in-person or virtual. Note: if you’re playing a virtual game, be sure that any team member that leaves the room takes a screenshot to prevent any cheating! 


Take it to the Next Level with AdVenture Games

We’ve only scratched the surface on simple morning meeting games that are sure to inspire team members. If you’d like to take team building to the next level, AdVenture Games can help! We have a variety of in-person and virtual team-building games that are perfect for any time of the day. Check out our games and when you’re ready, request a quote to get the games started!